The Ford 8 & 10 Car Club is based in Auckland, New Zealand and currently has a membership base of approximately 100 members spread throughout the country.
Initially formed in 1981, the club caters for all models of Ford motor vehicles that were based on the 8hp or 10hp Ford sidevalve engine. These include the models Y, C, 7Y, 7W, Prefect, Anglia, Popular, and the small Fordson van/truck.
Members benefit from access to wide technical knowledge and advice, a bi-monthly newsletter and various club regalia. Members also have access to a range of new and pre-loved spare parts marketed by the club.
Club events are held on an average of twice a month, and vary from general social gatherings through to static displays, rallies and gymkhanas.
"Club Days" are held every month in Auckland, where members are able to buy spare parts from the club's range. Those members not residing in or unable to travel to Auckland are catered for by a small mail-order service that operates through the club newsletter.
The club is a member of the New Zealand Federation of Motoring, a society that represents a number of motoring organisations in NZ. The Federation keeps a watching brief on local and national government bodies and lobbies on behalf of its members on those items that may be disadvantageous to the "old car" movement.
A consistent feature of the small sidevalve Fords was value for money and low prices remain an attraction today. Although not suited to regular motorway work, many members find their vehicles adequate as everyday transport.
The small Ford sidevalves are firmly in the classic bargain basement, and are consequently an excellent introduction to classic motoring.
Initially formed in 1981, the club caters for all models of Ford motor vehicles that were based on the 8hp or 10hp Ford sidevalve engine. These include the models Y, C, 7Y, 7W, Prefect, Anglia, Popular, and the small Fordson van/truck.
Members benefit from access to wide technical knowledge and advice, a bi-monthly newsletter and various club regalia. Members also have access to a range of new and pre-loved spare parts marketed by the club.
Club events are held on an average of twice a month, and vary from general social gatherings through to static displays, rallies and gymkhanas.
"Club Days" are held every month in Auckland, where members are able to buy spare parts from the club's range. Those members not residing in or unable to travel to Auckland are catered for by a small mail-order service that operates through the club newsletter.
The club is a member of the New Zealand Federation of Motoring, a society that represents a number of motoring organisations in NZ. The Federation keeps a watching brief on local and national government bodies and lobbies on behalf of its members on those items that may be disadvantageous to the "old car" movement.
A consistent feature of the small sidevalve Fords was value for money and low prices remain an attraction today. Although not suited to regular motorway work, many members find their vehicles adequate as everyday transport.
The small Ford sidevalves are firmly in the classic bargain basement, and are consequently an excellent introduction to classic motoring.