This was held at the usual place at Omana Regional Park commencing time 10am, duly arriving there after a lot of threats by the driver that the navigator was taking too long getting out of the house he found that he was the first car there.
After making our way through the big wooden farm gate we parked near a small tree on the side and waited. Gradually cars from other clubs came along; the clubs that took part this year were the Morris Minor, Morris Register, Chrysler, Chevrolet, and Ford 8 and 10.
The sun shone and a light wind blew with no hint of rain making it very pleasant, tables and chairs came out along with gazebos and the members of the clubs admired each others cars.
There were three events held before an extended lunch and three afterwards your club did the one where eight small blocks of wood had to be thrown from a moving vehicle onto a target if you landed one into the hub cap it was a high score four by the passenger and four by the driver.
Next year we have to do 2 events, as they have decided to scrap the roster scheme and each club attending is to put on two events. The event will be held on the last weekend in November and the Chev club will book the venue etc.
There from the club were John and Janice Gardner in their restored Anglia Tourer, Bud and Thelma in their Prefect, Paul and Delia Stewart (modern) who participated in the mornings events in the Prefect later at lunch time along came Bob and Gwen Cleland (modern) and more of John and Janice's family who had a picnic in the park with their children. Brian Runagall was there for a while also. Paul and Bob did the afternoon events in the Prefect, while Bud and Thelma put on the clubs event.
After all the events were completed and the score sheet handed in to Linda from the Chev Club who compiled the placings, the club members gathered around to hear the results which were aggregated on points scored to number of cars competing. It was found that the Morris Minor Club had won for the second year running and we had come in second, we only had two competing cars and actually had won some events.
Thanks to those members who came to this interclub event and picnic a good time seemed to be had by those attending, including Honey the dog who likes to lay under the parked cars between events.
See you there next year.